Study program

Civil Engineering

The Civil Engineering Study Program at UPJ focuses on the study of environmentally friendly urban infrastructure development as a characteristic of the Civil Engineering Study Program, producing graduates who are excellent in advancing civil engineering science, through the application and development of innovative knowledge, forming Jaya people as lifelong learners, who are dignified, open-minded, highly competitive, care about the environment, and are pioneers of prosperity.


Fostering Architectural Excellence in Sustainability, Urbanism, and Environmentally Conscious Building Information Modeling.

  • Urban Infrastructure. The rapid growth of urban centers necessitates a corresponding enhancement in the quality of life for city dwellers, ultimately aiming to elevate their overall well-being. One crucial step towards achieving this goal is the development of increasingly sophisticated urban infrastructure. Recognizing this need, the Civil Engineering Study Program at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ) places a strong emphasis on environmentally conscious urban infrastructure development as a defining characteristic of its curriculum. This focus aims to produce graduates who excel in advancing the field of civil engineering through the application and development of innovative knowledge. Moreover, the program strives to cultivate "Manusia Jaya" – individuals who embody dignity, open-mindedness, high competitiveness, environmental awareness, and a pioneering spirit in promoting prosperity.
  • Urban Society. The term "society" traces its roots to the Arabic word "syaraka," meaning "to participate" or "to engage," and "musyaraka," signifying "to socialize." In English, the corresponding term is "society," derived from the Latin word "socius," meaning "companion." Another interpretation of "society" equates it to "society," defined as a body or group of people living together. Urban society, as we perceive it, is characterized by its physical attributes: towering skyscrapers, the constant hum of vehicles, bustling factories, traffic congestion, the frenetic pace of daily life, intense competition, and environmental pollution. Socially, urban life tends to be heterogeneous and individualistic, marked by high levels of competition that often lead to clashes or conflicts. The Civil Engineering Study Program at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ) takes a unique approach, focusing on the development of urban society. This emphasis aims to equip Civil Engineering students with the ability to comprehend the diversity of individuals and communities, particularly in the context of managing and fostering human interactions within society. This, in turn, empowers them to address the challenges and problems inherent in urban life, drawing upon their respective disciplinary expertise.
  • Sustainable Urban Development. Sustainable development is an integrative approach that harmonizes social, economic, and environmental considerations. A livable city is one that is safe, comfortable, and economically productive, ensuring its viability for future generations. Law No. 26 of 2017 on Spatial Planning further accelerates the development of national, regional, and city regions guided by these principles. To achieve sustainable urban development, the Civil Engineering Study Program at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ) delves into the practical aspects of creating sustainable cities

Profile of Our Graduates

  • Graduates Embodying Integrity, Fairness, Commitment, and Intrapreneurship: Upholding Professional Ethics and Addressing Urban Infrastructure Issues.
  • A Strong Foundation in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Construction Management for Urban Infrastructure Projects.
  • Civil engineering graduates with strong teamwork skills, professionalism in developing and disseminating knowledge and technology, and the ability to solve problems in the field of civil engineering have very promising job prospects.
  • Civil engineering graduates have the ability to design civil buildings according to specification and strength criteria while considering economic and sustainability aspects.

What to Learn

  • Mastering the calculation of equilibrium of forces and loading on 2D and 3D civil engineering structures.
  • Mastering methods for designing urban infrastructure, buildings, roads, bridges, water structures, and terminals.
  • Mastering techniques for creating working drawings through the design process using CAD software and interpreting drawings.
  • Mastering techniques for analyzing the characteristics of construction materials such as steel, concrete, asphalt, and soil to determine the type of construction material correctly and efficiently.
  • Mastering techniques for planning transportation systems in urban areas linked to the interaction of the land use system.
  • Mastering techniques for coordinating the execution of construction work, including the selection of construction methods, equipment, and safety procedures to produce effective and efficient construction execution.
  • Mastering techniques for controlling construction from the cost, quality, and time aspects to achieve an economical, high-quality construction system that meets the implementation time target.
  • Mastering techniques for managing water resources, especially in urban areas, such as controlling hydrometeorological disasters, designing water networks, and water supply techniques.
  • Mastering techniques for designing, implementing, maintaining, and operating civil engineering work aspects based on the application of sustainable development concepts.
  • Mastering the use of various software to support urban infrastructure design techniques.

Future Career

  • Infrastructure Planner (Planner)
  • Civil Engineer (Designer)
  • Constructor and Infrastructure Project Supervisor (Constructor)
  • Infrastructure Operator (Operator)
  • Policy maker

Alumni Stories

I am a graduate of the Civil Engineering study program, Faculty of Technology and Design, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya in 2022. During my studies, I gained knowledge from expert lecturers in their fields. The knowledge provided is not only theoretical but also supported by practical exercises in both the laboratory and the field. Of course, the programs offered also help me to compete in the world of work. One of them is the "Certified Student Internship Program". I successfully passed and completed a 6-month internship at one of the SOE companies in Indonesia. Not only in the academic world, the Civil Engineering study program also supports its students in the world of organizations. The Himpunan Mahasiswa Sipil (HMS) UPJ is a manifestation of this support. With the existence of this organization, I feel that not only my hard skills but also my soft skills have developed rapidly. Thank you, Civil Engineering UPJ!

Shinta Amalia, S.T. Civil Engineer 2018, Estimator At PT. Totalindo Optima Pragia

I experienced many things during my college years at UPJ, but the most memorable thing is that the curriculum that was applied made me, as a student at that time, not only focus on academic values, but also required us to enrich ourselves from the non-academic side which certainly has a great influence on my soft skills. , where the benefits are currently very much felt in my career development. Taking cross-disciplinary courses also allows me personally to open up my horizons and hone my thinking patterns to be more dynamic in achieving my goals.

Reinaldo Nathaniel Elifas, S.T. Civil Engineer 2013, Engineer at PT Freeport Indonesia