Shinta Amalia, S.T.

I am a graduate of the Civil Engineering study program, Faculty of Technology and Design, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya in 2022. During my studies, I gained knowledge from expert lecturers in their fields. The knowledge provided is not only theoretical but also supported by practical exercises in both the laboratory and the field. Of course, the programs offered also help me to compete in the world of work. One of them is the "Certified Student Internship Program". I successfully passed and completed a 6-month internship at one of the SOE companies in Indonesia. Not only in the academic world, the Civil Engineering study program also supports its students in the world of organizations. The Himpunan Mahasiswa Sipil (HMS) UPJ is a manifestation of this support. With the existence of this organization, I feel that not only my hard skills but also my soft skills have developed rapidly. Thank you, Civil Engineering UPJ!